Our WHIZZ accredited cleaners are the face (and hands!) of the company, we carefully screen and train them so they share the same standards, provide the highest level of service and create the WHIZZ experience we promise to our customers.
We would never send a cleaner we wouldn’t trust in our own homes!
Here are a few reasons you can trust our cleaners to be the best cleaners in Australia:
1. Trained
Before our cleaners start with WHIZZ they must undertake an induction to ensure they are aware of the consistently high quality standards a WHIZZ accredited cleaner must deliver
2. Tested
WHIZZ has periodical Onsite Quality Assurance Checks where a trained member of our staff goes onsite to ensure the cleaner is doing all the right things according to the “WHIZZ Way”
3. Customer Approved
We review all WHIZZ accredited cleaners against customer feedback – your satisfaction matters to us!
Rest assured, we take every step to give you quality, safety and peace of mind.