What is the fastest way to clean a house?
It is all about maintenance
When it comes to home cleaning there are some short cuts I take to make the clean faster but that doesn’t necessarily make for a thoroughly clean home. There are all sorts of tutorials I can look at online for guidance, advising things such as ‘it’s easier than you think’, and ‘ten steps to cleaning your house in an hour’ or ‘clean your house fast’ – the simple way or my personal favourite; ‘how to clean your house quickly for unexpected guests.’ All is required for this is a basic walk through your place, wiping down benchtops and cupboards and things visible that look dirty or greasy such as fingerprints, don’t forget about emptying bins. These are all surface level cleans, not exactly a deep clean and probably not that much quicker anyway.
Dust gathers, and grime or mould builds and things that are not always visible make for a dirty place, these are the things that badly need attention when it comes to cleaning my place properly. This is measurably more time consuming and tiring to have to do routinely. I like to adhere to the ‘clean as you go’ type routine when it comes to home cleaning, and declutter at least once a week. I like to ‘keep it simple. So then when it comes time to do more of an in depth clean I don’t feel I am starting from scratch. It probably serves me better to clean the oven each time I use it and scrub it out and once a month gives it more of a deeper clean using an oven cleaner. I can set aside time on the weekend to spray when I don’t need the oven and then leave it for a couple of hours before I attend to it. Finding the time is near impossible and the smell is not pleasant but is there an easier and quicker way and one that is less toxic? I’m sure there is a ‘cleaning the oven 101’ – 10 steps to remove that fat from the roast a month previously.
As for the bathroom, I spray it over every other night and as well clean down the glass, mirrors and the sink. The toilet gets a thorough clean once a week and is also looked at daily, so it might need some disinfectant and toilet cleaner thrown in.
When it comes to dusting, it is something along with ironing that I do little of, even though I always threaten to do more, but I find it the least enjoyable job when it comes to cleaning. Personally I would prefer to clean the oven, rather than dusting. Home cleaning can be such a boring and monotonous chore, that when I make myself do it, I prefer to do it in increments. A little each time rather than a lot in one go. I’ve never understood people who vow that cleaning the house is therapeutic. Having a sauna or a spa is therapeutic definitely but cleaning, no, it’s not something I will be shouting to the rooftops, talking about the enjoyment it gives me.
However, even with the little amount of attention it still requires a larger job at least fortnightly. This involves vacuuming, mopping and sweeping, and can be quite time consuming. I really cannot afford to spend two hours cleaning on the weekend but I have to get up early and make myself do it, and the thought of it is something I try not to entertain.
Recently my vacuum cleaner broke and so I kept putting off buying a new one, ignoring the fact that my place hadn’t been cleaned in a while. It was almost like I was on holidays from cleaning my house. It felt great and I enjoyed time off from my fortnightly cleaning nightmare. I didn’t want my holiday to end. Then I heard about a home cleaning platform called Whizz. I was able to get someone to come to my place the next day and the great thing about it was that I didn’t have to be there for the clean.
More importantly for me is that they supplied all their own equipment and cleaning products, which it must be said is far superior to the cleaning products I had been using. My home now looks a million times cleaner than it has ever been and I am so impressed with this company, I now have my house cleaned every fortnight. It is a big relief not to have to clean each fortnight, and it has made me far happier as a result.
Of course I still maintain the place and do my bit, and particularly the kitchen cleaning. Having a professional clean my place each fortnight has been the best decision I have made. I would recommend it to everyone. Whizz carefully screens their cleaners, who have all had at least one year’s experience. They are all insured and police checked.
Once I thought I would give Whizz a try, all I had to do was download the App to my Apple phone and make a booking. It’s so easy and efficient and I didn’t have to wait on the phone. All the areas that are included in a clean are clearly stated and I was given a confirmation of the time and date of my clean via SMS. The price I was quoted is what I paid, and there were no hidden costs. There are also various discounts.
Whizz home cleaning is not only the fastest way to clean but they do a better job anyway. They will clean until your house looks beautiful, however long that takes. I spent more time stressed about the thought of cleaning and now Whizz have taken the stress away for me, I am happier, and have my weekend to myself to enjoy the things I like to do rather than hours spent vacuuming and mopping. I am yet to buy a vacuum cleaner.